The 2025 Fun Walk will run through September

Registered charities and Essex based local community groups are able to sign up for our 2025 Fun Walk event, and their supporters can walk the distance (2k or 5k) anywhere and any time during September.


Please note only one person from each organisation / group needs to register – An email will be sent to you after registration with a link to the Instructions and Sponsorship forms etc, or you can download them by clicking here: 

We encourage you to get a group together to do the walk – find a local park or other safe area and make a fun day of of it!  We do ask that you walk within the latest Government guidance and stay safe at all times. Children participating in any of the distances should be accompanied.  

Please enter the Charity or Community Group's name if this is different to the Name of Your Group entered above.

Please note Bonus Payments cannot be paid to a personal/individual’s account and only sponsorship money which is directly related to participating in a September fun walk is eligable for the Bonus Pot.

If applicable
What will you use the money raised from the Fun Walk and any bonus payment to do?
Please estimate the number of people who will take part
To be able to tag your organisation in social media posts
Check here to indicate that you have read and accepted our Privacy Notice, and agree to receive emails and/or phone calls relating to The Fun Walk.

You confirm that the information provided is complete and correct. You also agree that 'The Fun Walk Trust' may audit your project's declaration of monies raised, and use of the funds and that if it does, you will provide whatever assistance needed to complete this process.

NOTE: Only monies raised through participating in the event will be eligible for the Fun Walk bonus.